The fascinating story of a group of naturists that for decades has been
promoting Esperanto as a simple common language to unite the world.
Volunteer Day and Members' Meeting on Saturday
[image: Naturist Volunteers]
It's time again for our annual volunteer day. While there are many people
volunteering all year, this is the day we set aside f...
Relocating MojoNude
I’m shutting down my hosted sites later this week so MojoNude has moved to
I’ve imported all the content but there may be ...
New posts will be on a Wordpress blog
This blog will no longer be updated, mainly owing to the fear that someone
with a warped frame of mind will complain and that complaint resulting in a
Home Design Exterior
Home Design Decorations and Architecture Gallery Present for you home
design exterior.home design exterior Square feet Kerala home design
Beautiful House e...
Freehiking as a Public Health Issue
*The Threat*
Ticks. If you've ever seen one, that word should make you cringe. Despite
their tiny size, many carry a nasty bite with *Borrelia burgdorf...
Nude Beach Weddings at Haulover Beach Florida
Guest blog by: Monique N. Gilbert
The beach has been a constant in my life. Being from Miami, it is where I
grew up, where I met my husband, where I fell...
Probably my last post for some time
It has been a long time since I've been able to revisit this blog and
update it. Treatments have (and continue) to be rough on me so I'm going
to take a ...
People Who Enjoy Nudity Are In Good Company
“Benjamin Franklin was in the habit of taking air baths each morning in his
room. He made some efforts to induce others to adopt the practice and
speaks hi...
Why this Blog is Pretty Much Defunct
A lot of effort went into creating this blog and trying to keep it supplied
with decent content in order to give the SBL a dynamic public face beyond
I decided to remove the edgy "My Naked Truth" link from the blog list because of increased porn content. I still like the idea of "Gypsy" conducting interviews with people with all involved being completely nude, but with the new porn content on her site, any semblance to nudism or naturism has disappeared.
I too was growing very dissapointed with "My Naked Truth". I enjoyed her political topics and interviews with some of the naturists, but now seems it's just porno junk.
I too was growing very dissapointed with "My Naked Truth". I enjoyed her political topics and interviews with some of the naturists, but now seems it's just porno junk.
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